Films & Tv Shows

The Best Horror Movies on Netflix

Check out the list of the 10 Best Horror Movies on Netflix.

1. When Evil Lurks

  • Type of Horror: Supernatural, Possession
  • Highlight: Oppressive atmosphere and psychological plot.
  • Ideal For: Fans of psychological horror who enjoy mysteries about the unknown.
  • Release Year: 2023

“When Evil Lurks” is a movie that goes beyond conventional horror, delving deeply into themes of possession and demonic influences. The plot follows a family that moves into a seemingly peaceful house but soon realizes that something dark is present. With an oppressive atmosphere and spine-chilling scenes, this film is a must-watch for those who enjoy psychological horror mixed with unexpected scares.

2. Hereditary

  • Type of Horror: Psychological Horror, Supernatural
  • Highlight: Brilliant acting and a deeply disturbing plot.
  • Ideal For: Those looking for a movie that combines family drama with intense horror elements.
  • Release Year: 2018

“Hereditary” is widely regarded as one of the most disturbing horror films in recent years. The story follows a family that, after the death of the matriarch, begins to uncover terrifying secrets that reveal an ancient curse. With brilliant performances and impeccable direction, “Hereditary” creates a constant sense of fear and discomfort, making it a favorite among genre fans.

3. Rest in Peace

  • Type of Horror: Ghosts, Revenge
  • Highlight: Plot twists and an engaging storyline that mixes mystery and horror.
  • Ideal For: Those who appreciate ghost stories with a touch of mystery.
  • Release Year: 2024

“Rest in Peace” offers an innovative approach to the theme of ghosts and revenge. The film tells the story of a young man who, after the death of a friend, begins to be haunted by disturbing visions. As he investigates what really happened, the plot unfolds with twists that keep the viewer on the edge of their seat. It’s an excellent choice for those who appreciate psychological horror with hints of mystery.

4. A Silent Place

  • Type of Horror: Suspense, Creatures
  • Highlight: Innovative use of sound to create tension.
  • Ideal For: Fans of suspense who value a minimalist and atmospheric approach to horror.
  • Release Year: 2018

“A Silent Place” redefines what it means to create tension in a horror movie. The story is set in a post-apocalyptic world where terrifying creatures hunt their prey by sound. The protagonist family must remain in absolute silence to survive, creating a continuous atmosphere of suspense. This film is a brilliant example of how silence can be more frightening than sound itself.

5. Under Paris

  • Type of Horror: Mystery, Supernatural
  • Highlight: Claustrophobic environment and underwater horror.
  • Ideal For: Those who enjoy films that explore the unknown in unusual settings.
  • Release Year: 2024

“Under Paris” masterfully blends horror and mystery. The plot follows a group of divers who, while exploring the depths of the Seine River, discover a submerged chamber hiding dark secrets. The film stands out for its claustrophobic setting and the way it uses the underwater environment to create palpable terror. It’s ideal for those seeking something different in the genre.

6. Saw

  • Type of Horror: Gore, Suspense
  • Highlight: Graphic torture scenes and shocking plot twists.
  • Ideal For: Fans of extreme horror and films that test the limits of fear.
  • Release Year: 2004

“Saw” is a horror classic that needs no introduction. The story revolves around a mysterious killer who puts his victims in life-or-death situations, forcing them to make extreme choices to survive. Known for its shocking plot twists and graphic torture scenes, this film is a milestone in the horror genre, making it a must-watch for any fan.

The “Saw” franchise consists of ten released films, with the first one, “Saw”, launched in 2004, and the latest, titled “Saw X”, released in 2023, along with three short films released between 2003 and 2006. The production company Lionsgate has also confirmed the production of another film, “Saw XI”, scheduled for release in 2025.

7. In the Tall Grass

  • Type of Horror: Suspense, Supernatural
  • Highlight: Stephen King adaptation with a disorienting atmosphere.
  • Ideal For: Those who appreciate horror stories with supernatural elements and a mysterious setting.
  • Release Year: 2019

“In the Tall Grass” is an adaptation of a Stephen King story that does not disappoint. The film follows a group of people who, after entering a vast field of tall grass, find themselves unable to get out. With a simple premise but executed in a terrifying way, this film creates a sense of disorientation and dread that persists from start to finish.

8. The Platform

  • Type of Horror: Thriller, Dystopia
  • Highlight: Social commentary combined with constant tension.
  • Ideal For: Fans of films with deep messages and elements of psychological horror.
  • Release Year: 2019

“The Platform” is a dystopian thriller with horror elements that explores human nature in a raw and disturbing way. Set in a vertical prison, where inmates at the top eat the leftovers from those above, the film delivers a powerful social critique while maintaining constant tension. It’s an excellent choice for those who enjoy horror with an underlying message.

9. Sister Death

  • Type of Horror: Supernatural, Religious
  • Highlight: Effective use of religious themes to create psychological horror.
  • Ideal For: Those interested in stories that combine horror with religious themes.
  • Release Year: 2023

“Sister Death” is an engaging story that blends supernatural horror with religious themes. The plot follows a young nun who, upon being sent to an isolated convent, begins to witness disturbing events that indicate the presence of something evil. The film stands out for its dark atmosphere and effective use of religious elements to create deep psychological horror.

The film is a prequel to “Verónica”, released in 2017, which is also available on Netflix.

10. Run

  • Type of Horror: Psychological Thriller
  • Highlight: Narrative full of twists and family tension.
  • Ideal For: Fans of psychological thrillers who appreciate stories of control and manipulation.
  • Release Year: 2020

“Run” is a psychological thriller with a premise that grabs the viewer from the start. The story follows a young girl who, after years of excessive control by her mother, begins to uncover disturbing secrets about her own life. With a narrative full of twists and a constant atmosphere of tension, “Run” is a film that keeps the viewer on the edge of their seat until the very last minute.

The Best Horror Movies to Watch on Netflix
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These 10 horror movies on Netflix showcase the pinnacle of what the genre has to offer, each film selected for its unique ability to evoke fear, suspense, and excitement. From psychological thrillers to supernatural scares, these titles are perfect for anyone seeking a spine-chilling experience. If you’re planning a movie night, any of these horror films will make an excellent choice.

Continue exploring Netflix’s vast library to uncover even more terrifying gems that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Whether you’re a horror enthusiast or just looking for a good scare, these films are sure to deliver. Enjoy the marathon and get ready to be scared!

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